April 7, 2019 - Sun

i dreamt about my blurry vision. it was a long and bad series of dreams. first two pairs of my glasses broke at the hinge (like in real life, but worse, and both hinges), and then i wore contacts and left them in for days and then it was really painful to get them out and my right one ripped into a bunch of pieces and it really hurt. i woke up really hating not being able to see.

in real life, yesterday i called a dentist and an optometrist. they were both not open so i made habitica to-dos for calling them, due tomorrow. actually what i did was made a to-do called “optometrist” with sub-tasks “find one nearby” and “call on a weekend” already checked off, and one outstanding sub-task “actually make an appointment,” because habitica rewards you 3x if you check off a todo with 3 sub-tasks.

i am amazed by our food technology. when my sister got groceries for me from across the country, one of the items was trader joe’s cookie dough that comes basically perforated so you break them apart with your hands and put them on a cookie sheet. it’s amazing and requires no tools besides the cookie sheet and oven. and fridge for your leftover dough for next time. and oven mitts. and a cooling rack. and a sink to wash dishes in.

however, i get a very upset stomach a few hours after i eat eight cookies. sample size of two. so i probably won’t be getting it again. i don’t know if it’s a particular ingredient or if it’s very greasy or what.

the cats are getting more used to us. it’s nice.

Spent a wonderful day at OMCA, of which a thread shall appear soon.

Here’s an amazing thing: outside our balcony a tree squirrel is building a new nest. Meanwhile, we are reading Gooseberry Park. It is so fun!

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did some more of the chibi drawing online class.

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Didn’t really do anything of note this past weekend.

Travel takes a lot out of me. I don’t entirely know why. Even when I have a great time on a long trip, and get plenty of sleep, the sleep is always restless and I feel progressively more drained the whole time. When I get back it takes days and days for my body to feel like it’s old self again.

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We nest, right? I’ve always thought it was that. :slight_smile:

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