Contract for the Web

Principle 2

Keep all of the internet available, all of the time

So that no one is denied their right to full internet access

Whoo, that’s gonna cause some feathers to ruffle!

  1. By establishing legal and regulatory frameworks to minimize government-triggered internet disruptions, and ensure any interference is only done in ways consistent with human rights law
  • Engaging in national and international multi-stakeholder dialogues and mechanisms to ensure the maintenance of uninterrupted internet connections and promoting a Web that is not restricted by public policy at borders.
  • Engaging in transparent and documented coordination with private sector actors to ensure that any attempts to restrict access to the internet are necessary and rely on means that are proportionate to achieving a legitimate end, while minimizing the unintended side-effects of legitimate actions on third parties.
  • Researching and documenting the cost of service interruptions to the national economy, business and users.

That last point is fascinating! We should understand also the cost of delaying infrastructure.

But I wonder: is this section relevant to my personal experience in California? I can think of the “Domain Awareness” thing Oakland PD was developing, but I’m not sure my governments have the ability to “disrupt” the internet.


1,000 years ago folks used a website to “trade votes” between states to get third party candidates more votes, and a Judge turned off the domains (I expect it redirected them somehow) used to coordinate that activity. I’d say that counts.

Are there current internet disruptions caused by an American government?