Daily routine

Having routines is good, since it relieves you from having to make decisions all the time about trivial stuff.

I am sure I’ve heard this sentiment before, but I am in the mood to internalize it at the moment. That is why I am reading GTD For Hackers.

I’ve done pretty good with getting distractions out of my life, the only time I am notified of something is if a person is trying to get my attention (phone or SMS, @-reply). I check my e-mail a few times during the day, and process it as I get it. Recently I’ve been eating cereal everyday for breakfast, which is fascinating to me: I’ve never done that with any regularity, and it frees up a lot of just-woke-up cycles for me.

I think caring for Clover is helping me both develop routines, as well as being more aware of what I am doing, and how I can get flustered. I have ADHD-type symptoms, so my brain doesn’t shut off, and if I don’t develop routines, I am going to go crazy, because caring for a child this young gives me a lot of free time to makes lists in my head. I need to externalize them.

Here is a preliminary checklist:

  • Morning meal: food and tea (important, I hate to admit it but I really do function better a little while after a mug of tea).
  • Updates: Check my inboxes (e-mail, SMS, calendar, micro/blog).
  • Exercises: I suppose I should do this for me as well, but I am mostly concerned with Clover having tummy time, and having an opportunity to move more.
  • Midday meal: I spend a lot of time planning lunch; I am learning to cook, while also keeping on track of our family lunch time.
  • Writing: I have so many ideas, I need to write obsessively. When I don't, things tend to fall apart for me. Maybe a routine will alleviate that.

Nothing else is coming to mind that isn’t kinda included inside of those. I am a stay-at-home parent with an infant, a web crafter + developer, and a writer. What are routines I can adjust to that will help me?

Yoga! I’m projecting.