Daily... things

My hope is this system caters to multiple kinds of folks.

I mean, we haven’t done this for bunches of decades, and we all survived. So this is just a bonus! And you can respond when you want.

I said it like that, but I actually really liked the feature in Basecamp. I never used it with other people, my clients weren’t on top of documenting like me. So I would get about ten emails every Friday (I set it up), so I’d write a quick paragraph of what happened that week in that project. Sometimes they were single lines:

We met to reassess the editorial workflow.

Stuff like that. And each client only saw their project updates, but I have all of mine (and still do! Exported as XML, but still, I can use text search on my laptop to find info).

I like to build systems, showing what’s possible, but try to not hardcode anything in. This is a great system for us to overlap! We can use this one category for all the log-y, check-in stuff, and control what each person gets bugged about (well, for the most part; everything is notification heavy at first).

Specifically, I’d like to automate weekly check-ins, but leave the dailies up to folks that have something to say that day. And I’m always willing to switch it up if other folks want to. :slight_smile:

I like logs. I decided that would be the journal-y name of interi if I added it, because they are what I specifically think of:

We are nerd-captains, for sure, so it works. :slight_smile:

I had never read that, but I do the same with Mastodon, but I tag them at the beginning. Hmmm, I have an example…


I plan to process those one day, although at this point Mastodon has become a thing where I go to get more opinions, in case I already suspect I know what @tim, @judytuna, and @trashheap are thinking. :slight_smile:

There are still a handful of folks I am working up to inviting over (I’m of the opinion to discuss specific topics in meaningful, useful way, so it makes sense to join).

Now I just post to be popular! I have maiki scratches for random thoughts, but I use Mastodon to keep my online popularity strong, since my identity and happiness is so tied into social media… :rofl: Okay, sorry, I couldn’t keep it up! Hahahaha!