Data-backed "The most effective ways to curb climate change"

This is really interesting stuff!

Let’s all read then can discuss!

On the quiz itself:

  • I often find I had a pretty good sense of what should be in the top half / versus bottom half of their priority list in terms of most effecient. But was annoyed that you can do this and still earn a zero in a category for flipping two close-ish calls mentally.
  • First thing that broke due to my “Scroll Anywhere” extension in Firefox in a long time. Had to turn it off to take the quiz.

On the topics of the quiz itself:

  • Im growing suspicious of the whole labeling things in terms of individual action, corporate action government action. These things are not as clear cut as that.
  • A lot of this is also heavily banked on individual action. Half of all of the entries are lead by an item marked wholly or in part as “individual action”; where as two ought of eight are lead by a governmental action entry.
  • Or to restate this point, as a single example: I don’t think the link between heavy government beef subsidies and low plant based diets amongst Americans is entirely unrelated here. Labeling this as individual action I think shifts a lot of responsibility without doing a whole lot of enabling or empowering.
  • That is not to say I didn’t dislike the quiz. It just seemed to be falling into a kind of common mode of thinking that irks me. Otherwise its quite nice.

@trashHeap I agree with everything you are saying here.

For me, it highlighted my ignorance on some issues. I had no idea CFCs and HCFCs cause so much damage, that it could be the #1 thing we should change for maximum difference. Also food waste.

Like, getting people to eat a plant heavy diet seems like a much tougher sell than increasing the speed in which we handle CFCs and HCFCs. It would lower the temperature of the planet by one degree C!!

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