Faster Than Light

since i’ve been watching a bunch of star trek lately, i’ve been reminiscing about space games. one of my favorite games ever is Faster Than Light. i played it a lot in 2012. … or i thought i did. i just looked and steam told me i’ve played it for 30 hours. it’s the only review of a game i’ve ever written on steam.


30.0 hrs on record (24.8 hrs at review time)

I lovehate this game. I see it as therapeutic – this is forcing me to make arbitrary decisions, and come to grips with the impermance of all things.

Posted November 8, 2012.

i am now thinking about the permanence of typos on steam reviews.

i was looking through the steam “news” that they shove at you when you update a game, and saw this article, and since it has this line i like, i wanted to share: Games of the Decade: FTL: Faster Than Light - home amongst the stars |

FTL is not a game I play to finish, it’s a game I play to feel at home.

i felt that, too. i also love the soundtrack.

what games do you play to feel at home? even if it was only for 30 hours of your life?

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