How Y’all, Youse and You Guys Talk (Published 2013)

This is a quiz, showing which regions of the US your dialect derives from. It had this fascinating question, among others:

Screenshot_2020-11-10 How Y’all, Youse and You Guys Talk (Published 2013)

Also, “I have no term or expression for this” is my new default signal to others, well, the literal sentiment. Sometimes I don’t have a term or expression for what we are discussing, and now I know that is a sentence people say to each other, at least in quizzes…

My map showed…

Screenshot_2020-11-10 How Y’all, Youse and You Guys Talk (Published 2013)(1)

Which makes sense. I was raised in Appalachia, the Bible Belt, and California (and tv). Hence my charming medley of jibber-jabber. :sunglasses: