In the beginning... a filesystem

2003-06-17+21:30:40.0000000000 ./games/gamecube/soalegends.gcm

That’s Skies of Arcadia: Legends! It started with some music, and a discussion, and then I played a whole bunch of it! It’s pretty fun. I want to write about it, because it is like the ultimate Final Fantasy 7 fan remix! So. Many. Ways. #skies-of-arcadia

Clover has shown interest in playing it with me, which seems like an okay idea, since the content is fairly kept in check, the violence is cartoony and not emphasized, the controls are simple, and there’s a fair amount of grind (and if I can’t make my kid grind RPGs for me, what’s even the point?!).

I think that timestamp is so old is because I obviously legally ripped that file from a disc so many years and stored it that way.
