July 25, 2013

Due to a misunderstanding of which Amtrak stop is the Santa Clara station (Santa Clara: Great America is what the conductors think if you don’t emphasize just Santa Clara), I ended up traveling about twice as much as I had planned to reach my destination yesterday (and included a car pickup from Diridon Station…). I came home starving and exhausted, but I think I got about 10 hours of light sleep in. Interestingly, Clover woke both Susan and I at almost exactly 5AM by clearly speaking in eir sleep, “Papa… Mama…”. :slight_smile:

My trip was to set up the project for the last Drupal to WordPress migration I will be doing this year (which could be a lie if someone has lots of money to throw at that problem). This is happy news, because after the thing I am working on in the Oakland Local network, and then the migration, I will finally have some breathing room. I will of course fill my time with any number of backlogged tasks I have, but they aren’t as intense, and leave me a lot more time to wax poetical about all the neat stuff I’ve been working on, which is good for you folks, but great for me, since if I don’t blog it, it didn’t happen.

Oh, my home situation is really odd, but I am dealing with it the best I can; not much to report on that end.


It is strange to get an invite to LinkedIn. At this point, if someone sends me an invite, they most certainly wouldn’t be a person I would “network” with, there or otherwise.