Listing stuff to read/view/consume later

One part of my new site at will be a section for things to consume later. This will be important to me, as I will have a lot of reference materials come up from deconstructing artifacts; influences and important genre works will be added to the list so I can keep track of my own efforts to work through it.

So what does that look like? Well, I was thinking of listing them out on a page, maybe a custom content type, with its own taxonomies.

  • Name of work
  • Media type (novel, comic, movie, show, album, painting, etc)
  • Genre
  • Maybe just “tags”
  • Reference links

The reference links will be internal links to deconstruction reports that I publish, so by filling it out it also marks that item as “done”, and so can be filtered off the list.

What else could I include there?

media type += music

What would be killer is a browser plugin that lets you “bookmark” a page into this consume later section.

A “Reminds me of…” field? To make a cloud of things that are related but might not be obvious. Like the way the “So…” song from an anime whose name I can’t remember reminds me of “Recessional” by Vienna Teng. To make a completely fuzzy human-connection graph-type thing.

Quick update: I plan on using this as a consumption list, with some simple voting mechanism on it. So I will add things that are related, as I deconstruct them (think, I watch Star Wars, and then add everything Star Wars related, so I can reference it later).

Then, if I ever want to seek inspiration, I can just see what folks are interested in discussing, based on voting.

So it is less a general use tool, and more of a cultural object rating system. :slight_smile:

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