Persepolis, angry reading

Susan picked up a copy of Persepolis from Half Priced Books today. I read through it when we got home. I lied in bed with tears in my eyes trying to make sense of the world that is presented in the book.

I really need to finish the series (I believe there are four books in all), because this volume ends on a sad note and unfortunately I have no idea if it will get better. We heard about this through the movie that was made from it recently.

One last thing, what the hell is the purpose of the CIA? Isn’t it odd that they are behind so many coups and operations that destabilize entire regions of the world?

Hmm I will get that book from the library this week.

I would be curious to see a simulation ran with our country having no CIA. Would bad things happen? Or do we get into more trouble because we’re causing it?

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I’ve heard so much about this work, but I haven’t read it. @tim did you? @susan did you find more of the later books?


I want to say we passed that copy on to someone (I don’t recall), and never continued it.

I’ll put this on my list, along with Operation Ajax / All the Shah's Men, works on the 1953 Iranian coup.

I’m glad Clover has these resources. Prior to 2000, I have a crap time trying to know the history of places. For instance, I know a lot about Iran’s political past, the last 150 years or so. But it was picked up from frankly racist history books, and it wasn’t until Wikipedia and reference links was I able to piece together accurate, consistent narratives.

Now we just need to keep reminding everyone how awful certain organizations are, and maybe something will change…


@judytuna I was all talk… I never got that book from the library in 2008.