Refining discovery, exploration, making

Having begun the process of questing, further refinement is required, but it is based on results from the process, so that’s good.

Because Discover and Explore modes easily blend into each other, I’m going to experiment with setting goals on Discover quests, as I engage with them. And we ought to close Discover quests faster, because I want a database of interests to build upon, and that helps during Exploration quests.

My thinking about this is a gradual show of interest and momentum, but in slow scale.

I loaded 900 games in here. Some of them, even the ones I bought, are gonna be crap. Or won’t install. Or starts fires. And we will want to note that and move on. Discovery is updating Wikidata and creating a static doc somewhere to assist humans. Exploring is contributing to the corpus of thought around a thing, many docs. Making (have I yet to explain that…?) is about stepping forward and making a thing better. Slowness is the gear shifting from Discover -> Explore -> Make, where we don’t lose thoughts, we just store them for later, maybe for someone else, to do something with.