Rolling dice is fun

Clover keeps a d12 among eir treasures. I see it often, and it always makes me want to play D&D; its the only game I’ve ever used a d12 with.

Rolling dice is a lot of fun. So much that when I remove the dice, such as with a virtual roller, it becomes a burden rather than fun.

I think the esoteric knowledge and special implements carried D&D really far for me. That and my origin story involves falling through the floor of an abandoned house and landing on a pile of D&D books.

Now I don’t really want to play in person. I have stuff to do. And the dice don’t appeal to me as much. I wonder if that will change.


the first crowdfunding campaign i ever backed was a kickstarter campaign for spinner rings. they shipped like four years later and i never responded and i think they’re gone now.

i like dice, too. in retrospect the dice are fun and probably still more fun than rings that have a spinny metal circle around them.

i have a set of mostly d6s in a warcraft chest. ^^ from the world of warcraft tcg and collectible minis games. can’t believe i did both those things.

di, do you have any dice stories? :game_die: :game_die:


I got mine from the very same crowdfunding campaign. Though I hadn’t been in the habit of wearing a ring at the time and I borked my ring size or they sent me the wrong one. Want one?


hahaha, it all comes around! i guess yeah, sure! after so many years.

No other implication: we can use my public address for Oakland destinations.

tunaring, c/o maiki
2323 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612

Just wanna share the love. I trust both ya’ll. :slight_smile: