Testing merging posts

I wanted to run a game here in the forums, and was thinking we’d use Discobot for rolling dice. And then to clean up the threads, we might merge posts. Let’s see!

@maiki, you chose to Discern Realities.

@discobot roll 2d6+1

:game_die: 3, 5

and if they are by the same author, what happens? are the merged posts concatenated onto each other, one after the other? which timestamp gets applied? do both labels get applied? which category? lol

Ah, I think I can only merge posts by the same author, which of course makes sense. :slight_smile:

Let’s see!

Interesting! It deletes the first post and I suppose copies the text in the order it was posted…

Here’s a screenshot that kinda illustrates what just happened in this thread. The red-ish background designates that post has been marked for deletion.

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