60+ Let's Encrypt certs

I noticed on one hosting service that the list of Let’s Encrypt certs I’ve been issued was a long list. So I counted all the ones that are easy to count, and come up with 58!

That isn’t included the random ones I’ve installed for servers that are issued on their own, such as this very site. So I easily have over 60 sites rocking Let’s Encrypt certs!

I am not making any promises (because I just run a lot of sites…) but I can’t think of a site I run that doesn’t redirect and serve traffic over HTTPS. This is a much nicer situation than a couple of years ago, when that number was a handful, and I was automating nearly all of the cert creation process, expect the parts that required interaction and payment.

If you have any questions about LE, shoot them here. And if you are using the public service, make sure to support those folks. :slight_smile: