A new RPG, convergence

I’ve been talking about role-playing games for a while now. I was exposed to a lot of gaming, and I suppose it is safe to say that I do a lot of real-time assessment, so I was getting more and more disgruntled with the games I was playing. This was primarily D&D 4th Edition, but there were other games as well.

I am very busy with work, but I feel like I can work one more project in, which is to start organizing the creation of a new pen and paper (and dice) tabletop role-playing game. I say organizing, because I still have a lot to say, and even more to discuss, on the subject. If we can create something out of it, all the better, but I want to do this just for my own understanding.

There are many things that led me to this point, but recently it would be conversations I am having, my ongoing efforts to support the free culture movement, and my dissatisfaction with the current state of tabletop gaming.

Just a short list of things that I want:

  • Game material that is openly shared. No corporate ownership. Actual community support (to and from).
  • Open source digital tools. No closed toolboxes. Something that leverages the web and mobile.
  • Acknowledgement of different kinds of play and fun. Rules that are modular, where "house rules" are points of community discussion. Moving from one gaming group to another should have a limited amount of adjustment, rules-wise.

There are actually a lot of points in that list, so we will say I was actually listing areas of goals. I think it can be done. I think I can do it. I think I would be happiest to create a new game with the help of others with a like-mind. :slight_smile:

It’s been ten years: where are the shared worlds? Surely I haven’t looked hard enough…

Any software that can tell a story can tell a story.

I’ve never found anything like what I had in mind, though there are several community-developed RPG systems.

These days I am interested in creating “mechanical components”, to generate RPG SRDs via programmatic configuration of free data. So… not much has changed. :slight_smile: