Clover and...!

@susan, Clover gets my wallet when I die. It was discussed, and now committed to record. :slight_smile:



After I put it back on…

Can I have that when you die, or is it like, “dead jewelry” you wear forever?

:rofl: So, um, observant.


We saw a kid wearing light up shoes, very pretty.

Clover: Oh, blue, my favorite color!
maiki: Really, blue is your favorite color?
C: Well, it goes gold, silver, rose gold, copper, then red, green, and blue. After that I like, ya know, oranges and peachy colors, and then that lemony yellow…
m: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


2 posts were split to a new topic: Wario, Mario, and Lario

Clover has a lot of beads. Or is it @susan? I don’t really know how they split the hoard.

Anyhow, e is always making bracelets and what e calls “ear necklaces”, or bracelets for your ears; apparently it’s a whole thing and word around home school kids is some quality jewelry ideas are coming our of Clover’s place.

I’ve been around a lot of beading. Ha! So weird. I used to make pony bead bracelets for giving away at raves! PLUR!

I was surprised to see Clover using the lid of the plastic tub to layout designs, just like a fancy dedicated bead board.

If you would like some fancy Clover jewelry, I’m sure it can be arranged. :slight_smile:


The thing about meat is… it looks terribly weird, even when it’s cooked! It’s terribly weird looking, and yet, it is still delicious!

I have another “meat” quote said to me recently; I’ll update this post when I find it.

The part you’ll have to imagine is the looks of shock and indignity Clover expresses when e discusses meat. :slight_smile:


We were eating one of our snack-brunches on the balcony. @susan was on errand/sortie, so it was just Clover and I today:

Clover: Wow, this is a great day. I never expect us to have so much fun!
maiki: Cool.

m: Wait, by “us” do you mean you and I?
C: Yeah. I mean, I don’t know why, I just never expect it!
m: Huh. Do you think it’s because I’m more strict, so you don’t think that’s going to be fun?
C: Yeah, it’s like a “comfortable strict”.

The whole thing was so casual, Clover didn’t even look at me (we were on the bench facing the same direction). I gotta say, that’s one of the nicest things I’ve heard about me.

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Clover is playing Minetest, as one does…

I’m across the table, when suddenly!

Clover: What have I done?!
maiki: :laughing:
C: What… have I done? Ugh, you ever, just, feel that way?
m: Hahaha, yeah.
m thinks: Pretty sure I asked myself that, like, three times today.
C: (exhales) Why did I build a train station underwater! Like, who thought that was a good idea?
m: :rofl:


Clover has made a tunnel with a powered rail and discreet hidden lighting… and when you take a cart from one end to the other, it takes 35 seconds.



Impressive! How many seconds were spent… underwater?


A very tired Clover just came out of bed to use the rest room, and mentioned in passing…

The tips of my toes and nose is cozy.

And returned to bed.

((Say it aloud.))


2 posts were split to a new topic: June 13, 2020 (Last Chance for Spring Cleaning?!)

On comparing food texturized to be meat-like:

You’ve tried actual physical meat.


Yesterday after dinner Clover said:

I’ve only got four questions. One, are we watching Yuru Camp? Two, what’s the seating arrangment? Three, may I have an apricot? And four, may I have a macaroon?

We watched Yuru Camp on the couch, after macaroons. :slight_smile:



What’s with the turtles? Why do you have to talk about turtles? Give me the context.


Clover came running up on me, almost knocking me over, for a hug-ambush. I complained, and @susan reminded Clover that no one wants to be attacked, even by hugs, to which Clover responded:

I don’t think it’s that bad. Better hugs than swords, or spoons!



Clover’s been having, hmmm, changes. And sometimes has a good cry. Upon having a cry and looking at a mirror…

Sometimes mirrors aren’t a delight. Sometimes they show the sad parts of life.

:cry: :rofl:


We we’re having a particularly animated conversation this morning, with Clover cracking up, and e shared…

My hearing and talking is really loving you right now!




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Slamming shut the manga Clover suddenly declared, “oh horrid, I’m into ‘romance’ now!”


On offering eir services, while making a hand-visor to cover eir eyes as e gestures at the sprawling landscape around our dining area:

If you didn’t know, I’m a very good looking-arounder.