February 13, 2019

I installed Fedora back when: Migrating from Ubuntu 16.04 to Fedora 28

Today I had to install Inkscape to update the banner for https://youcanbikethere.com/. I think the last time I used Inkscape was editing the 2018 banner… anyhow, I like Inkscape, wish I used it more. Kinda glad I don’t hafta. :slight_smile:

it is raining so hard! i’m bringing extra pants and shoes to work! my rain boots are actually very inexpensive garden boots from target and today i have learned they have no traction. haven’t fallen yet. they are at least waterproof. bart is moving but slow, stopped at stations longer than usual. i’m happy to be part of the moving mass of people today.

Raining so hard, didn’t make sense to take C to school today. Also, e is sniffly, and has skinned knees multiple times this week, so a little rest at home is in order.

Raining very hard here too, though last 20 minutes it’s quieted down a bit. Fixed a rain spout on the house that was broken.

I am feeling pretty good today, and I think a good 50% of it is due to the exercise I’ve been doing. Other 50% is Caspian sleeping all night and not waking up once!!! :tada:

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It’s been raining here today too. It’s forecasted to rain all day as well, so yeah. Today the plans are to see the Nintendo Direct at 5 PM my time, write-up another BBS, put a gopher entry onto colorfield.space, improve re-volt.tk and study for a Linux certification. Also am gonna try OpenIndiana in a virtual machine, probably VirtualBox. Why? Just cuz I can!


Hey fuuko we are in the same time zone! didn’t realize/appreciate that.

Ill be in the middle of my commute home, and have some errands to run tonight; so ill have to be watching it after the fact. Im hoping to avoid spoilers so I can maximize the amount of delighted nintendo fanboy freakout I experience.

Let us know your impressions of OpenIndiana. I seriously considered trying ot out as my main OS, when I was surveying post-Debian experiences for myself a year or two back. Its also a whole flavor of *Nix ive not yet tried. Curious to hear what you think.

I really like inkscape. Im no artist, ive been able to churn out a logo or icon or widget with it over the years though when ive needed to. I feel like ive become semi profecient with it over the years in a way I never did with other GNU image manipulation programs; and its given me an appropriate appreciation for vectors.

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I grok vectors in a way that I don’t raster. Which is strange, as I mostly edit photos, in GIMP. I wish I got to do more SVG work/play. :slight_smile:

That’s cool that we are in the same timezone! East coast ftw! I’m personally hoping that we get some Fire Emblem news and Shin Megami Tensei 5 news.

So far I can’t seem to get it to work in a virtual machine on my desktop, so I’m going to try on my laptop. It keeps getting stuck around the 50% mark when installing.

I need to find out really bad if their going to let me make boys kiss in this one, and where it is on the accessible ↔ grindy spectrum. Because thats kinda like the only two data points I need.

The Direct was awesome going to be thinking about videogames all night now.

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The Nintendo talk reminds me of my favorite games N makes: all the dumb Streetpass games! I just got 5 stars on my curry dish!


Clover is getting sick, fast. It happens like that with little kids. Big folk, too, but we are too distracted to notice.

Anyhow, e is in the bathroom, having a reality burst, and yells out, “can someone help me?!”

I ask what’s up. The reply, “with making me better!”

It’s a real bummer, and super adorable!

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@susan made this, from banana and flour! I mean, I had some extra carrot and onion, and look what I made!

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Good thing I moved over to mage party for jabber:

This mail is to inform you that your certificate SSL Standard (interi.org) expires in 14 days, on 2019-03-01 00:59.

I think I had that one for 5 years! Let’s Encrypt was not on my radar when I was making those plans…