maiki scratches

Stating, “…I won’t be responsible for my actions”, does that work? Are there conditions? Like, it has to be said in public, 48 hours before said actions occur? Fair warning to the trigger? Does that work in court, or only rich English people court?

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Everyone is weird.

A bit of Fry and Laurie was trolling before we had globally embraced three trolls from Tolkein. Is the sense of being the same sense.

When I sit up straight, I can’t make eye contact in the mirror.

Nobody come to California! Everyone smokes weed; it’s as we feared!

I’m no stranger to space being most insufficient.

Before we forget again: Richard Ayoade + Kumail Nanjiani = undiscovered gold.

Waking thought: human history is a series of arbitrary valuations, and the subsequent belief in them.

I have light computing needs, nothing resource-intensive.

But then I found public shapefiles, and I want the largest screen and the most memory a computer can safely wield!

That feeling when: someone else is singing, “47 ginger-header sailors…” to themselves. :grin:

Human activity in North America has largely been defined by our relation to the Mississippi river basin. Water, amirite?

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Intents and purpose? Wow!

Something I notice on my character sheet, but not many others’, is “Despair Sense”. It is the ability to sense when someone is playing on my despair.

Despair is a painful part of our existence, and yet we all have it. Because it hurts to look at, we place it in our hidden world. To sense when others’ are preying on one’s despair requires looking it at it and remembering.

I can’t recommend it. Then again I rarely get fooled by random passers-by.

Iron foot in a velvet shoe.

Well, it means “price” in the sense of “exploding vest”.

Game idea: Downton Abbey and Totleigh-in-the-Wold have people switching dimensions, and the PCs are the only ones that seem to notice.

2 posts were split to a new topic: a +6 antimagic short sword

When someone expresses disdain for a group of people, I search for public health issues. Are people dying, suffering, being censored, being exploited?

That’s how I decide if a group is okay. It is not accurate or easy to apply, of course. But it helps to determine if someone expressing disdain is doing it along my valuation.

Game consoles are markets. :face_with_monocle:

Linux distros are markets…? :thinking: