maiki scratches

I’m gonna use that phrase for something…

2 posts were split to a new topic: Pilgrims avoid black holes

Flatpak is definitely for desktop GUI apps (Flatpak Frequently Asked Questions):

Can Flatpak be used on servers too?

Flatpak is designed to run inside a desktop session and relies on certain session services, such as a D-Bus session bus and, optionally, a systemd --user instance. This makes Flatpak not a good match for a server.

However, the build features of Flatpak run fine outside a session, so you can build things on a server.

It seems weird to me that on Flathub (the de facto flatpak repository) each app page shows the command to install it, and then one to run it from the commandline…

Command line instructions

Make sure to follow the setup guide before installing

flatpak install flathub org.inkscape.Inkscape


flatpak run org.inkscape.Inkscape

Wait a second… is that… they are using an h3, h5, and h6 for formatting…

Well, this got weird. :rofl:

Prophecies are basically instructions to folks in the future. If most people disregard prophecies, that means only the ones that want them to happen will make them happen.

I propose it is therefore prudent to actively prevent prophecies from fulfilling.

Anything worth reading is worth copying.

Connected News Flash to FreshRSS via Fever API. :sunglasses:

youtube-dl -f webm+bestaudio

I have a task to figure out how to stop Rhythmbox from a keyboard; I can never close it without a mouse pointer. But recently I begun using GNOME Music, and it does everything I want, and closes as normal. :slight_smile:

Planeswalking = switching hosts.

My brain tends to burn bright.

We all learn history differently. Let that sink in for a moment.

Sometimes I like not knowing something. Nothing important, mind you. But unimportant stuff… I kinda like not knowing.

It took me a while to learn enough that a large enough amount of stuff became uninteresting. But there is. :slight_smile:

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“Topkapi World Tree Lab”

Religion, political party, computer brand.

If you want equality don’t let the next billion people join a broken internet.

Blathers made an interesting point: what will koi look like in 1,000 years?!

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Pope Francis is extremely dangerous along a timeline. That org can not be held in check by one earthly saint, let alone the Head of Marketing.

Cities represent the protection of the herd at the expense of the individual, whereas “outside” is the individual struggle with isolation and smaller support networks.

Cities powered by convention , protected from mysteries .

When I have to do research to replace a WordPress plugin I want to scream.

So that is the problem I should solve.